Nuits Blanches
an international strategic partnership


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FOLLOW UP - check point 6 - 2018, the 8th of January
(trimester 9 : SIXTH SURVEY PERIOD)
C04 and R4 results and classroom activities' follow up

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* médiatisation *


CP1 * CP2 * CP3 *CP4 * CP5 * CP6 * CP 7
Targeted Goals Survey and Quality Control
main tool : a Google form for students was sent to the project holders in each country

Pedagogic Monitoring (schedule time table)                                                    

mobilities R1 * C1C2 * R2 * C3 * C4 * R3 * R4 * C5 * R5


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From  June to December, 2017
C04 was a special study travel, made  to avoid to loose European mobility funds after that students from Italy and France could not be  involved in C4 (Cesme).
Only pupils from Saint-Jean-de-Luz and Cluj-Napoca
were eventually implicated in this short terme exchange.

Go to C04 report

Go to R4 report

click to see our Google form
C04 Follow up - Download from here 
 (pdf, in French)
All mobilies done by French team :
50 mobilities for short term exchanges (C) :
12 teachers and 38 students - 48 were planned
6 mobilities for transnational meetings (R)
6 mobilities in R5 (last event in june)
12 were planned
[two mobilities for our expert : C4 and R4]

situation en janvier 2018
All funds spent  by French team :

88,63% of grants (54 337,99 €)
On a dépensé 88,63% de la subvention totale promise par la commission européenne (61310 €)
Implementation funds 65%
65% des fonds de gestion et mise en oeuvre
(11 658,49 sur les 18 000 promis, sachant que
3600 ont été affectés aux mobilités)
Meetings 109%
8750 € ont été dépensés pour les séminaires
(la subvention prévue à l'origine était de 8010 € mais certaines distances avaient été sous-estimées)
Cette somme tient compte des frais pour le dernier
événement : R5 en juin à Cesme.
Study travels 103%
33430 € ont été utilisées dans le cadre des activités d'aprentissage ou échanges de courte durée appelés voyages d'étude quant on prévoyait une somme de 32160 € à l'origine pour les financer
Learning 63 %
On a dépensé 630 € sur les 1333 € à dépenser,
dont 333 € à la charge du lycée et 1000 €  financés par l'Europe et promis par la commission au titre des coûts exceptionnels : en l'occurrence, la formation au numérique
Intellectual Output 0% (N.C.)
Le décompte des activités sera publié lors du dernier point de contrôle CP7.  Une partie de la  subvention allouée pour la Gestion et la mise en oeuvre sera de facto dépensée au profit de la production intellectuelle puisqu'elle financera l'implantation de la mobilité entrante C5 en avril, sa médiatisation, la fabrication des supports de diffusion pour
la production intellectuelle finale

to be continued...
a special questionnaire will be sent
after the Festival about  the impacts


R4 meeting in Cluj-Napoca:
I - Toutes les équipes ont jugé positivement le séminaire

People enjoyed the meeting and all Workshops organized during R4. One project holder would have like to be more implicated in the transnational rewrite.
But it was supposed to be done by the students and if we finished it (Romanian and French team) during C04 it was in order to respect the deadline.

We overcame many problems to product this dialogue, since all students were not in C4 short term exchange (the mobility dedicated to write it) and the (former) Literary coordinator had asked us before not to speak about our synopsises  during C3 - contrary to what was first  planned  this study travel agenda. After C04 a definitive draft was sent to project holders and we were waiting for them to make us suggestions to change the text (using Ilargia Twinspace anf the Feedbacj process) -  nobody did it neither articulated he/she wish to do it at Cluj-Napoca in december, so it seems the result was validated

II - Les études locales sur le Totalitarisme ont été faites
Totalitarianism was focused by all pedagogic teams and partners sent to the French coordinator some files to be shown at the final exhibition (C5). Roman team (Graphic Designer III B and V B classes) produced some beautiful pics and posters on this theme... these materials will be reused for our festival dissemination.

Neutralism and nukes:
III et IV - Les études sur le neutralisme et la dissuasion

Three schools made a job about neutralism but files are not still collected. Two schools were thinking about a work on nuclear detterrence. One of the project holder did not know if he'll target this goal or not...

National dialogues:
V et VI - Les dialogues et spectacles nationaux
Three partners have finished the national dialogue they were supposed to show at Saint-Jean-de-Luz. Another one is just achieving to do it. But it is still not done in France. Literary pilote in Lycée Ravel wants to do it later, during the first months of 2018... Nobody even sent the files to the International Coordinator and/or Gianmarco Toto. Two project holders wanted special lights or sounds for both the national show and a part of the transnational story and they wishto send music files to Gianmarco as soon as possible..

 R5 Meeting:
VII - Le séminaire de perennisation en Turquie
Most of the project holders are confident they will do the lectures they are supposed to prepare for Cesme final meeting and will give the files to contribute to the intellectual outputs to the project manager. But some of the partners will not be involved in the meeting (Italian pilots...). Everybody agrees the idea "to keep in touch" founding a pedagogic  association, because people want to ensure the sustainibility of the partnership and would like to do other projects with some of the partners in the future.

Have good feeling : more tolerance and curiosity, less relay in first impressions, make efforts in learning and accepting other people habits, traditions... Have a great experience with interesting meetings and lovely people and made friendship, think on versatile themes.. Do students to become more self confident and more fearless in shaping their own future... and to practise a better English !

To Check Point 5
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FOLLOW UP * 30th of JANUARY, 2018
Check Point 6
 Sixth Survey Period

 Follow up - Check Point 7 * JUNE, 2018 

Understanding fears of the Past
to face the fears of our Time