NBE+     Notre Bureau Européen
strategic partneship QUINTESSENCE partenariat stratégique  

Premiers "desseins"





Échanges de court terme


Contrôle qualité et suivi

OUTPUTS - Productions  locales
Saint-Jean-de-Luz (C1)
du 11 au 15 avril 2022

eVe +
energyplus QUINTESSENCE erasmus+

Le cinquième élément : connaître les  Forces de la Nature
et produire une énergie durable (2020-2022)

back torevenir à la page précédente C1 report page

Compte-rendu du voyage d'étude C1 / STUDY TRAVEL REPORT - ISSUES


FRANCE  - FIRST STUDY TRAVEL from the 11th of april to the 15th of april

Premiers desseins communs : les enjeux de la mobilité
training and learning activities C1 short-term exchange of students

Premier échange prévu à l'origine en avril-mai 2021 et reporté un an plus tard

The mobilty agenda was produced by Lycée Ravel before the mobility was beginning -find it in the QUINTESSENCE public website for disseminarion, in the REPORTS part).... Upload the plan from here
  revenir à la page précédente
échange de court-terme n°1/ Premiers "desseins" C1(First designs)



        <<click to enlarge
click to see the^^full^^C1 logo and a list of the study travel's contents


I - Concrete tasks

(objectifs opérationnels : tâches concrètes prévues dans l'agenda de l'échange)

1. Explorer le patrimoine local pour réfléchir aux forces de la Nature et précisément aux éléments TERRE et EAU.

1. Stay focused on the main topic assignated to the first mobility with pupils: "earth and water" and make the students to explore the Basque inheritages in the purpose of make them to be inspirated before writing and drawing some interesting narratives.

2. Produire un blason et proposer une devise, dans le cadre d'un travail d'équipe transnational.

2. Partners had to produce a coat of arms and a motto for the partnership.

Two generations of co-workers

3. Produire un logo pour le site public du partenariat et pour la mobilité C1.

3. Partners had to produce a logo for the QUINTESSENCE online porta and for the C1 meeting.

A large scale transnational class

First drawing

Turkish-French oral presentation

brain storming

Supervisors from Çesme

A famous Egean band

The experts


Read its in English in
the "Design page"

Effets escomptés
1. Progrès de la performance scolaire et du “mieux être” pour les apprenants
2. Décloisonnement disciplinaire et meilleur travail en équipe des enseignants et des apprenants
(re-légitimant si besoin l'évaluation)
3. Débats et réflexion sur des questions tant artistiques que citoyennes
4. Incitation à la mise à niveau matérielle de l'établissement
5. Intégration renforcée au réseau d'établissements local
6. Meilleure appréhension du Développement Durable à travers le prisme de l'unité de la matière et du vivant
7. Pérennisation de l'ouverture internationale et européenne par le maintien dans le temps  des relations personnelles établies, la mise en oeuvre d'autres projets et/ou de mobilités individuelles au delà du partenariat

Latvian-Turkish duo...

Selfies on the sea front (in Biarritz)

Busy people

Presentations : the first sketches of the illustrated narratives

French-Latvian awareness

Three project holders in the Library

Boys and  girls from Ravel High School

French certificates delivered by three foreign teachers

III - SKILLS acquisition or reinforcement

The eVe + project (QUINTESSENCE) main GOAL is to enhance the high school students' knowledge of global warming and its environmental impacts (priority 1) but our METHOD is first to target part of the question (Energy need and production) to reinforce the basic skills (priority 2) using digital tools (priority 3).
The short-term exchange C1 is dedicated to 2nd and 3rd priorities since the first issue (Global Warming) is presumed to be more focused by C2 and mainly C3 study travels.
The C1 Agenda was thought to apply the AIMS eVe+ partners wanted to respect. These objectives are :  promotion of a pedagogic strategy based on the free expression of students to arm future citizens and to strengthen the motivation and self esteem valorizing both school education and graphic arts, enhance the key skills listed by the EU commission.

  • 1.

    communication dans la langue maternelle

  • 2.

    communication en langues étrangères:

  • 3.

    compétences en mathématiques ainsi qu’en sciences et technologies

  • 4.

    compétence numérique

  • 5.

    apprendre à apprendre

  • 6.

    compétences sociales et civiques

  • 7.

    esprit d’initiative et d’entreprise

  • 8.

    sensibilité et expression culturelles



Drawings and graphic novels had to be produced by a transnational cooperative method.


I - Concrete tasks

1. Les deux sorties de terrain (excursions culturelles et touristiques) ont été centrées sur l'architecture (les vieilles pierres) les grottes et les montagnes, la côte rocheuse et les rivières, le force de celles-ci pour éroder ou faire tourner les moulins.

1. Project holders and participants must judge by themselves if the school outings were congruent enough (and allow them to target the first concrete task) responding to a questionnaire (see the results in the Follow Up part of the site).

starting blocks

2. Students managed to produce a coat of arms during the first workshop, thanks to a preparation made before the mobility.
This coat of arms is the addition of 4 drawings (one for each element and each school) and was selected after a contest between transnational teams).

3. Thanks to Canan and Esther, it was very easy to find a perfect drawing as logo for the QUINTESSENCE website and an emblematic circle for C1 exchange.

United colours of cooperation

3 or 4 nationalities in each team


II - Impacts

Participants judge by themselves if C1 activities were efficient enough to have some of the seven effects the implementation of the eVe+ partnership is presumed to produce.

III - Skills

Congruence  of both workshops and school outings must to be evaluated. This part of the Control Quality will be helped by the edtion of a grid to compare the targeted objectives and the results of the activities and by the compliance of the online questionnaire
given (and filled) at the end of the exchange.

 See the results and comments in the FOLLOW UP page of this  website dedicated to coordinators and participants.

IV- Outputs

click to see the^^full^^C1 logo and a list of the study travel's contents

Find an outlook on the productions (drawings, graphic novels) in the public "QUINTESSENCE spot" on line, designed in order to show all the outputs of the partnership and to valorize the cooperation.

Hosting (french) team: P-L Vanderplancke (all the workshops and the school outings) and J-L Puyjalon (except Day2 and Day5) who are the project holders in charge of the implementation in Lycée Ravel, with the support of Profs S. Augé, J. Ramsay and D. Caron
, english assistant J. Goudge. Special Thanks to the Direction staff, Financial et office managers, Cook and restaurant staff. Visitors leaded by Profs Angi, Bilgiç and Yilmaz (from Çesme) Profs Giurgiuman and Zetea (from Cluj)
and Profs Minho and Vinogradova (from Riga).

Free speech by some participants

- it was a great experience , u did a good job!!
- I think we need to have more free time,l ike a day its enough
- I think the experience was really great and we all had fun together
- it was amazing
- I feel like taking part in this project is really important for teenagers and teachers because it makes us learn new things about culture and languages. It's a great opportunity and i'd like to do this kind of thing again.
- It was a good experience and I like to be in that programme

- we like this project because we know new people but they were very shy but at the end we success the mission to talk to them.
- Very good experience
- I feel like taking part in this project is really important for teenagers and teachers because it makes us learn new things about culture and languages. It's a great opportunity and i'd like to do this kind of thing again.
- FELICITATIONS a toute l'équipe française pour l'organisation de cette réunion Magnifique!
- congratulations on organization to all people involved in this mobility, IMPECCABLE
- I am really happy and thankful. I wanted to thank all of the team's members. It was an incredible experience and really enriching. The only thing I would change is the visit to Bayonne; I would have prefered to visit other places that I consider more interesting such as Biarritz, Hendaye or San Sebastian. Even if I understand that the places we visited were related to our element, the earth. Thank you very much once again.
- great
- Everything was great
- I like this experience because I improve my english skills.

Quality CONTROL in the Follow Up dedicated page

Dissemination in the public website QUINTESSENCE:

^ click ^ on the Sun to see the PUBLIC DISSEMINATION
(mobile friendly) QUINTESSENCE website

v click v on the European Flag to go back to NBE+ (Lycée Ravel site):

v click v to see the  Blog:


  webmestre P-L Vanderplancke / AVRIL 2022