Understanding fears of the Past
to face the fears of our Time |
NBE+ Nuits Blanches 2015-2018 an international strategic partnership COORDINATION * TRAVELS * FOLLOW UP * REWRITE Click on the moon to go to the Homepage CHECK POINT 7 NBEplusBLOG |
Issues measured by the post-mobility questionnaires: (reminder) Quality of activities Group cohesion Better understanding of fears Respect of the plan Socio-cognitive abilities Realization of impacts: changes induced by -participation in the ILARGIA FESTIVAL (on stage playing or logistic supporting of representations, inclusion in festivities and visits) -the manufacture of rewrites (national and transnational dialogues) -experience gained through exchanges -the systematic use of online and peer-to-peer learning THIRD ISSUE (FOR PUPILS) AND FOURTH ISSUE (FOR PROJECT HOLDERS) 3. STUDENTS SATISFACTION Partnership was: excellent 70% good 20% medium 5% bad 0% other5% For participants in the studies, cooperative activities were: excellent 50% good 25% medium 10% bad 5% other 0% And for all the targeted group, dissemination : excellent 30% good 35% medium 10% bad 5% other 20% For participants in the mobilities, Learning activities and study travels were excellent 75% good 25% medium 0% bad/other 0% And for all the group, travels reporting was: excellent 35% good 45 % medium 5% bad 5% other 10% Group cohesion was enhanced yes 70 % no 20 % other 10% (cause the cohesion was very strong before in some case Final rewrites shows (Première Nuits Blanche du Festival) were excellent 75% good 25% bad/other 0% Better understanding old fears was a targeted goal YES 80% NO 10% OTHER 10% Enhance my English level was a targeted goal YES 60% NO 10% OTHER 30% Enhance my ITC skill was a targetedgoal YES 65 % NO 25% OTHER 10% 4. DYNAMIQUE IMPULSEE PAR LE PROJET DP1 Aide à la détermination d'objectifs spécifiques (définition du projet d'établissement, encouragement à faire d'autres partenariats) DP2 effet sur l'élaboration de demandes collectives de formation continue DP3 préparation d'innovations dans les pratiques DP4 développement de l'interdisciplinarité DP5 élaboration de mobilités pour les élèves DP6 meilleur rayonnement local DYNAMIC: DP1 Assists in the setting of specific objectives (definition of the establishment project, encouragement to make other partnerships)- DP2 effect on the elaboration of collective requests for continuing education - DP3 preparation of innovations in practices - DP4 development of interdsciplinarity - DP5 mobility development for students - DP6 best local influence Quoique difficilement quantifiables des effets sont perceptibles en matière de recrutement et il est clair que les équipes pédagogiques sont engagées partout dans une entreprise de coopération transnationale de longue portée grâce à Erasmus+, d'autres projets stratégiques et/ou des eTwinnnigs étant notamment mis en oeuvre Output 7 SUSTAINABLE IMPACTS A LOCAL SURVEY FOR OUTSIDERS In order to evaluate the partnership dissemination' efficience in our secundary school, we tried to know what sudents who were not involved in NBE+ do think about it and about the Erasmus+ Programme. A little film in ILARGIA Website shows some pupils working on this survey after they saw our exhibition in the school library (PARTNERSHIP section / Reuse and IO tab). On voit que certains élèves pensent spontanément à mentionner que les échanges peuvent permettre une comparaison entre les systèmes scolaires et donc un échange éventuel d'innovations intéressantes. Egalement que le projet est relativement bien connu et que l'engagement européen est a priori consensuel. Toutefois, les résultats sont susceptibles d'être biaisés malgré l'anonymat des questionnaires car les acis recueillis sont ceux de nos élèves ! Students
(15 years old, in Seconde - NBE+ beneficiaries were in Terminale) think
this sort of project is good. First reason according to them (85%) is
to meet new people, overecome stereotypes and/or discover foreign
cultures. But they are also a little sceptic, since criticize their own
consumerism (20% of outsiders think this kind of European action is not
efficient if students do not make any personnal effort to).
Did you notice Erasmus+ board and corner in the school lobby before today ? YES 100% Did you see the exhibition in the Library before your teacher come in with you to study it ? YES 60% - No 40% Do you sometimes follow the Erasmus+ outcomes in the school Websites ? NO 85% - YES 15% Did you talk sometimes with sudents involved in a project implemented in the school ? NO 75% - YES 25% Were some friends of you implicated in short-term exchanges this year ? NO 80% - YES 20% Would you like to be "in" Erasmus+ next year ? YES 75% - NO 10% OTHER 15% : I am already a participant in a strategic KA2 project Do you think the project is a good way to enhance your educational level ? YES 65% - NO 20% OTHER 15% Do you think it's a good thing to show an european certificate to find a job later? YES 50% - NO 10% OTHER 40% Did you take part to the ILARGIA FESTIVAL (Theatre, parade and/or vote for the poster conquest) YES 75% - No 25% Did you have heard about ERASMUS+ Programme before ? YES 90% - NO 10% Did you know exactly before to see the exhibition it what this problem consit in ? NO 65% -YES 35% Do you think make mobilities as High School students can help you to become a student in a foreign unviversity (giving you some ideas and expriences and/or contacts) ? YES 70% - NO 20 % OTHER 10% Do you feel yourself as an European citizen ? YES 80% - NO 5% OTHER 15% Would you like to do a part of your life in another country ? YES 50% - No 30% OTHER 20% (do not know) Do you think it's good for Lycée Ravel to be in Erasmus+ programme ? YES 85% - NO 5% OTHER 15% (not bad, not good) |
TABLE OF CONTENTS PROCEDURES DE CONTRÔLECP 7 USUAL FOLLOW UP PREMIERE VISUALISATION DES RESULTATS ET COMMENTAIRES R5 ANALYSIS CONTROL QUALITY PROCESS AND STUDENTS FOLLOW UP TABLES DES MATIERES TABLE OF CONTENTS OUTPUT 7 Note : la production de résultats fait partie des engagements de la candidature commune et constitue une production intellectuelle à part entière. The production of results is part of the commitments of the joint candidature and constitutes an intellectual production in its own right. Find it in ILARGIA Website ("PAR" book in the Homepage and PARTNERSHIP section / Reuse...) |
Seventh period Follow up
The results of the project are included in this Website insofar as they represent a part the partnership infrastructure. His productions are published in an Internet portal intended for the general public (ILARGIA). |
Suivi/Follow up CHECK POINTS UN FLYER pour annoncer la poursuite de notre action européenne et l'engagement du Lycée Ravel dans un nouveau partenariat stratégique / cliquez pour agrandir |